Let ComputerOne Augusta brand yourself and/or your business with a custom email address like info@yourdomain.com. Stop using Hotmail or Gmail, and upgrade to a MyDomain personalized email plan.
A custom domain email address helps you create a professional image and boosts your business’ credibility.
While Gmail and Yahoo are perfectly fine for personal emails, any business you see that is using Gmail or Yahoo can come off as unprofessional.
Consumers expect an email and a website domain name to match. It tends to raise unnecessary questions when they don’t.
All these ambiguities and questions hurt the first impression you are trying to make, and as we all know, first impressions do count.
If you rely mainly on emails to communicate with your clients, there is also an added risk using free email accounts – you are tying your own image to a third-party that you have no control over. For example, with frequent spams from Hotmail and Yahoo accounts, people are leery of free email addresses, fearing that the business is a scam.
In a recent survey, professional email addresses are much more credible than a personal one.